Apartment Therapy

One cool thing about moving is that you get to start with a clean slate in a lot of ways. I'm really uber excited about getting a clean slate when it comes to the design of our new living space.

In preparation for this exciting new challenge, I've been doing some research and collecting some cool websites to give me ideas and inspiration for what we're going to call Lacy's "design on a dime."

  • These articles on "rental renovation" have some really great ideas on how to make significant, but temporary, changes to a rental. In fact, this website it chock full of good articles like what not to scrimp on when decorating, how to find cool stuff on Craigslist, moving to a new city, and even the basics of color theory for those of us who are somewhat design challenged.
  • Speaking of color, this nifty color scheme generator is intended for use by web designers, but I could see it having practical applications in home design as well. (I used it when designing the layout of this blog -- what do you think?)
  • Apartment Therapy is a really cool interior design blog based on the concepts of the book with the same name. They even have free little 8 week courses to walk you through implementing the ideas from the book in your own home. I have got to get my hands on a copy ASAP!
  • I'm also really excited about joining the freecycle network -- it's an online community of people who want to give their things a new home. Say, for example, I'm getting rid of a chair before we move. I could post it on the freecycle network, and if anyone out there wants it, they can come and pick it up for free! A much more sanitary method of dumpster diving.
  • Finally, I'm keeping an eye out for cool sites like Re-found for ideas and products that might inspire me.

Have you got any great resources for design I should know about? SHARE!


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