
So, I do have a lot to say about our trip, but I was kind of waiting until all our pictures were developed so I could illustrate the story as we go along.

Brandon and I had a talk yesterday about moving and -- yeah. We're really doing it. We will be moving into our new place in the Denver/Boulder metro area by December 1.

This is a little bit terrifying.

Last night we went out with some friends from church, and one of the couples is also planning on moving to the Denver area because of a job change, so they were asking us all about our trip. When we admitted that we would probably (most likely, almost certainly) be leaving right after Thanksgiving, one of the women said, "But you can't leave before Christmas! The choir needs you!"

To be honest, we haven't made a whole lot of friends out here in sunny CA. I can probably count on one hand -- OK, I can EASILY count on one hand -- the number of friends I will miss when we leave. I can count acquaintances, like choir people and my writing group on two hands. But it's always hard to leave friends behind. I can't honestly say if I will keep in touch with any of these people once we are away from here, but no one likes to say goodbye.

I am NOT looking forward to telling my choir director that a) I'm leaving "before Christmas" as Kathy pointed out, and b) that I've joined a writing group that meets every other Thursday -- meaning that I will only be able to attend choir on the alternate Thursdays. I don't think he will be happy with me. (That and the fact that I have been avoiding him and church all summer to get out of singing a solo -- man doesn't take no for an answer.)

Of course, the good will hopefully outweigh the bad for our move. We wouldn't be moving if we didn't believe it to be so. But at the same time, change is hard for me. Especially monumental, 1,500 mile new state change.


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